Feeling Empowered: Understanding Cervical Dysplasia and HPV

Are you feeling anxious about cervical dysplasia and HPV? It's a common concern, but you're not alone in this journey. While these words might evoke fear of it turning into something worse, let's confront them together. Take a breath; it's alright to feel scared when it comes to your health.

You're not powerless. There's hope, there's knowledge, and there's a community here to support you through it all.

Let's debunk myths, explore treatments, and seek alternative care options. Because knowledge is power.

Understanding Cervical Cancer and Dysplasia

Cervical dysplasia and HPV are topics often shrouded in confusion. Let's demystify them. Cervical dysplasia, or abnormal cell growth in the cervix, can progress to cervical cancer without intervention. Early detection through regular Pap smears can be lifesaving. Understanding the grades of dysplasia (cervical intraepithelial neoplasia or CIN 1-3) helps determine appropriate treatment interventions. 

Treatment Options for Cervical Dysplasia

Most typical treatment options for cervical dysplasia include Loop Electrosurgical Excision Procedure (LEEP) and cold knife conization. Escharotic therapy is less well known as an alternative treatment option, but beneficial for CIN II and CIN III levels of tissue change when combined with dietary recommendations, lifestyle changes, anti carcinogenic HPV nutrient protocols, and a vaginal suppository protocol that directly improves the healing of vaginal cells, and treatment focused on balancing the vaginal vault aka biome.

The Role of HPV 

Human papillomavirus aka HPV, is a common sexually transmitted infection.  Both cervical dysplasia and cervical cancer are driven by HPV. Certain strains, notably HPV 16 and 18, are linked to cervical cancer. HPV infects cervical cells, causing changes that can lead to dysplasia over time.

The Vaginal Vault

The vaginal flora, including lactobacilli, helps maintain vaginal health. However, an imbalance in vaginal flora can promote HPV infection. Even more specifically, different species of lactobacilli create a stronger or weaker vaginal biome for preventing HPV from integrating into the cells. Disruption in the vaginal vault, pH balance, and ecosystem may increase susceptibility to HPV or other vaginal infections. This is why I am a big proponent of testing the vaginal vault, to see if patients have a strong or weak biome that promotes or inhibits HPV integration. 

Estrogen Dominance

Estrogen promotes cervical cell growth, and can be a component that exacerbates dysplastic changes in the cervical cells. Estrogen dominance has unfortunately been normalized: PMS, headaches, irritability, breast tenderness, painful periods, clots, the overall crummy cycle. But these symptoms are red flags that the estrogen is out of balance to progesterone. Bringing the hormones into balance is more than just taking progesterone, or vitex. We need to keep digging deeper, asking ‘why’, to get to the root cause of the estrogen dominance.

 Is estrogen dominance because of stress driving the steroid pathway? Is it because of an imbalanced gut biome increasing hepatic recirculation of estrogen? Is it because of an excessive activation of the histamine and mast cell immune response? Is there an inflammatory response from mycotoxins or other biotoxin driving the estrogen?

There is definitely a time and place for progesterone and vitex, but I question you to keep investigating deeper until you uncover the root to the estrogen dominance. Only once you uncover the root cause, can you correct the system and be set up for long term success.

Supporting the Immune System for Cervical Health

A broader approach involves supporting immune function, optimizing nutrients, and managing inflammation. This comprehensive strategy enhances cervical health and reduces the risk of recurrence.

In addition to choosing the appropriate vaginal treatment, you want to take a look at: 

  • A nutrient dense and balanced diet

  • Effective stress management practices

  • Healing exercise

  • Optimizing sleep

  • Addressing any root causes of inflammation: biotoxins, breakdowns in the biochemistry, histamine/mast cell activation, methylation cycle dyfunction

  • Optimizing cellular nutrients: Vitamin D, folate, minerals

  • Supporting a flexible immune system that can keep infections and inflammation in balance

You have the power to navigate through cervical dysplasia and HPV. By understanding your body's signals and addressing root dysfunctions, you pave the way for long term success over the red flags that your body is presenting. If you are looking for the Escharotic treatment in Colorado Springs, or looking for supportive treatment in conjunction with the LEEP and other interventions, give our office a call.  

Let's embark on this journey together towards vibrant health.

Dr. Jenny Abercrombie

Dr. Jennifer Abercrombie is the founder of the multi-state clinic Naturopathic Wellness and Naturopathic Wellness Global, one of the world’s largest virtual health consulting practices.


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